Forging is one of the oldest metal forming techniques. Traditionally, metal is formed with a hammer. In today’s world, industrial forging is a great way to make strong, dense metal parts. Metal is heated to a temperature where it is very malleable, and then hit one or several times with a shaped die to create the desired shape! Forgings can be completed by cold heading or hot forgings depending on the material and component. It is a stronger alternative to static casting and very cost effective at high volumes.
Like casting, once the forging is complete, it’s close to its net shape and can be machined if needed. However, forging has some more advantages over casting. Forging is more likely to not have internal shrinkage, so you’ll have a component with internal integrity.
Forging is the ideal process option for railroad parts and certain truck parts that need a high metal integrity. When you present your product design to a Buchanan Sales representative, they will be able to advise you on what type of forging will best work for you as well as direct you to which of our manufacturers can best complete production.