Some metals are very hard like tool steel, Inconel, and some stainless steels. Naturally, harder metals can be more difficult to machine. For some applications, it may be better to use electro chemical machining.
At Buchanan Sales Co., we recognize the need for manufacturers who specialize in electrical chemical machining to meet our customer’s orders. We represent leading manufacturers who deal with variations of electrical chemical machining technology, including:
- Electrical Discharge machining (EDM)
- This technology, also known as spark machining, spark eroding, or wire burning, is a way to cut hard metal easily. It is broken into 2 main categories: Wire and Plunge/sinker.
- Wire EDM
Wire EDM uses a thin brass wire wound between 2 spools and is used as the “cutting” surface. The metal is submerged in a di-electric fluid and has a voltage applied to it. As the brass wire approaches the metal, the circuit sparks and metal is removed. This is a slow process and is ideal for prototype sand machining very hard metals.
- Plunge EDM
Plunge EDM uses the same science only instead of a wire, a shaped electrode approaches the metal and removes metal vertically. It is ideal for punching bur free holes in very hard metals.
Stress Free Recessing takes the principles of plunge EDM and accelerates them. This proprietary technology is ~100x faster than EDM!**need final section that highlights geography and any final details**
- Cost effective
- High yield
- More design freedom
- Contact-free + cold process